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Chemical protective equipment

The “Individual Anti-Chemical Package IPP-95” consists of the prevention-disinfection ointment in a tube, powder disinfectant in string-closed polyethylene bags, gauze swabs (6 pcs) and a rigid polyethylene outer packaging which is resistant to mechanical and atmospheric conditions such as shocks, dust, frost, rain or snow, military transportation, etc. The size of the packaging is adapted to fit in the inside pocket of the uniform. The operation of the “Individual Anti-Chemical Package IPP-95”, including its use and storage, does not require any maintenance and safety procedures.
Operational requirements.
- Disinfection capacity.
After a 30-minute exposure of the disinfectant in the amount of 400 g/m2 on a glass surface contaminated with sulphur yperite with a density of 5 g/m2, the residual yperite contamination should not exceed 5 x 10-2g/m2 - Protective capacity – after a 60-minute exposure of the ointment applied in the amount of 400 g/m2 on a glass surface contaminated with sulphur yperite with a density of 5 g/m2, the protective efficacy must not be less than 15 minutes. The residual contamination density should be not less than 420 mg/m2.
- Requirements for safe use.
The powder disinfectant and the prevention-disinfection ointment do not pose a risk to those handling them.
Basic functions.
- By hindering the absorption of chemical warfare agents, the prevention-disinfection ointment prevents the exposed skin surfaces from contamination.
- The powder disinfectant enables the inactivation and facilitates the removal of contaminant.
- The gauze swabs allow the powder to be removed from the disinfected surfaces and the mask’s glasses may be wiped when required.
- The protective box for the above-mentioned components is designed to be worn in the inside pocket of the uniform.
- The shape, dimensions and weight of the components that make up the Individual Anti-Chemical Package IPP-95 allow it to be handled and used conveniently by the user (soldier) in all field conditions as well as in rooms, means of transport and combat vehicles.